Thursday, 30 January 2014

Karen Walker Spring 14

Following in the steps of Vivienne Westwood and Sass & Bide, Kiwi designer Karen Walker has collaborated with the United Nation’s International Trade Centre’s Ethical Fashion Initiative for her Spring 14 eye-wear collection. 

With the motto NOT CHARITY, JUST WORK,  the initiative aims to create sustainable business and encourage dependancy for micro-artisans within communities from some of the disadvantaged rural areas of Kenya. Each pair of sunglasses purchased comes with a screen-printed pouch, made by the Kenyan artisans from locally sourced materials. More elaborate, beaded styles are also available to buy separately. Several of those involved also starred in the beautiful campaign shots, photographed by Derek Henderson.

This is an amazing UN initiative, of which I don't know the precise details or stages of production. However, what would be even more encouraging would be to see designers maintaining these ethical connections in future collections, rather than just in one off collaborations. 

I’ve been keeping an eye out for a pair of round glasses, so my favourite from the collection has to be the Joyous in Gold Glitter, seen here on Winnifred. The collection is available to buy as of February 3rd.

Images via iiikanji and Karen Walker

Tuesday, 28 January 2014


You might remember a Pick of the Week that I posted before Christmas (more of those to come) featuring a pretty perfect grey knit from Scottish based brand &Daughter. Well, Father Christmas must have got my memo because it was waiting for me under the tree! 

It is beautifully thick and heavy, and honestly the warmest thing I’ve ever owned, which is why I haven't taken it off as I re-adjust to the arctic temperatures of a student house. I love the slightly snug sizing and unlike most jumpers that have a close fit, the sleeve length hasn’t been compromised on. The best part, and the sure fie sign of a good quality jumper, no bobbling. Ideal. 

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Denim Dreaming

Although there aren’t many days you’ll find me out of my black skinny jeans, this year I’m thinking of broadening my denim horizons. Boyfriend jeans, blue skinnies, denim jackets, denim shirts, they’re all on my list for Spring 2014. And no more washed out, faded denim, we’re talking real denim, the bluer the better.The best denim is always second-hand and well-loved so vintage shops are where I’ll be headed just as soon as I find the time to go shopping. 

PS. Is it just me or is double denim starting to look really appealing?

Images via Pinterest, Fashion Me Now and Life Of Boheme

Sunday, 19 January 2014

2014 Update

I can’t believe I’m here writing my first post of 2014 and we’re already half way through January! Apologies for the silence, I’ve been stuck in an essay hole that I’ve finally resurfaced from, which means I’ve now got time to blog again. I was very lucky and got some beautiful clothes for Christmas this year, so lots of outfit posts on the way and also an interview with the lovely Noorin Khamisani from Outsider Fashion that I’m really excited to share with you.

Although there has been lots of positive press in response to Ethical Fashion Show Berlin, which was put on in collaboration with the Greenshowroom last week at Berlin Fashion Week,  I can’t seem to find much in the way of the brands showcased. I did come across a post by Green Stilettos though who mentions the German brand Luxaa in her highlights. The brand use clever recycling techniques to produce their beautiful pieces. As usual, it is their minimalist design that I’m drawn to and the use of simple, classic shapes. Sadly, all out of my price range at the moment, but hey, a spot of idealistic dreaming’s what fashion week’s all about.