Monday 23 December 2013

Comfort Dressing

I finally seem to be getting the hang of Pinterest so rather than just re-pinning pretty pictures I’ve started using it to search for specific outfit inspiration. Seeing how others have styled certain key pieces really helps me to plan ahead and buy with purpose, yet also highlights how I can make the most of what I already own.

Lately, I've been after a pair of wide-legged baggy trousers so that I can indulge in a bit of winter comfort dressing. After unsuccessfully trawling the Internet in search of a second-hand pair I very luckily stumbled across some cashmere (!!) ones in a vintage shop just before leaving Notts for Christmas. They were an absolute steal and as always with amazing vintage pieces I couldn’t believe they were still sitting there or that someone had given them away in the first place!

Outfit post on said trousers will follow shortly but in the meantime here’s some wide-legged infused inspiration. Common denominators seem to be neutral colours, turned-up hems and lots of loose-fitting layers.

Images via Pinterest

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